Non-financial Reports
Separate Combined Non-financial Report 2023
The 2023 Non-financial Report describes Aareal Bank Group's goals and policies for the five matters required by law (environmental matters, employee-related matters, social matters, respect for human rights and anti-corruption and bribery matters). The Non-financial Report was prepared on the basis of the requirements of the HGB. In addition, our description of the management approaches and the implementation of the materiality analysis is based on the Global Reporting Initiative Standards ("GRI-referenced") and also takes into account the principles set out in the UN Global Compact. The content and structure of the chapters are based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD); in addition, we report selected key figures on operational resource efficiency. In the non-financial report 2023, the disclosure requirements according to the Taxonomy Regulation were integrated. The report has been subjected to a limited assurance review.
PCAF report on financed carbon emissions
By signing the ‘PCAF Commitment Letter’, Aareal Bank has committed itself to work together with other market participants to continuously improve CO2 transparency in the financial sector.
To this end, we regularly publish our PCAF report on financed CO2 emissions in the Commercial Real Estate Financing portfolio. In addition to an overall view of the carbon performance of the loan portfolio, this report also provides deeper insights into the carbon footprint and carbon intensity of individual building types and regions in Aareal Bank's loan portfolio. The consistent application of the PCAF Data Quality Scores defined by the PCAF standard also makes it possible to better assess the underlying data quality and make it more comparable with other market participants.