Good corporate governance is and has always been part of our DNA.
Aareal Bank AG – Aareal Bank Group's parent company – published its own governance code in 1999, three years before the German Corporate Governance Code ("the Code") appeared. It welcomes and supports the Code's objectives and aims, and regularly observes the amendments and enhancements to the recommendations adopted by the government-appointed Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code. The Bank has updated its own code every year since 2002 in line with the amendments to the German Corporate Governance Code, using the annual declaration of compliance as a basis.
Many things go to make up good corporate governance; core elements definitely include a responsible approach to the interests of stakeholders and especially of shareholders, employees, creditors and the environment. Internal and external transparency; a sustainable dividend policy; efficient cooperation between the Bank's managing bodies based on constructive dialogue; and incentive and control mechanisms are further important aspects.
Declaration of compliance in accordance with section 161 of the AktG
Our annual declaration of compliance explains whether and how we comply, or will comply in the future, with the most recent version of the recommendations made by the government's Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code.
This describes relevant topics in concrete terms, e.g. for cooperation between the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board, diversity in committees, succession planning and efficiency reviews.
Notifications of managers' transactions in accordance with Article 19 of the MAR
Transactions in securities of the Company and related financial instruments by members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG and persons closely related to them (so-called managers' transactions) must be reported within three business days and published on the website.
Notifications of changes in voting rights in accordance with sections 40 ff. of the WpHG
Changes in equity interests notified to Aareal Bank Group can be found here.
Memorandum and Articles of Association
You can view the current version of Aareal Bank AG's Memorandum and Articles of Association here.
Code of Conduct
Integrity and responsible conduct are obligations that apply to all employees – regardless of their function or role. The Code of Conduct is an integral part of our system of responsible corporate governance. It contains binding rules requiring all employees to act in a lawful and ethical manner towards clients, business partners and colleagues.
Human Rights and Environmental Policy Statement
Aareal Bank is aware of the responsibility under the German "Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG". The published Human Rights and Environmental Policy Statement is the superior document for Aareal Bank AG's human rights strategy and sets out how we, as a global company, fulfil our responsibility to protect human and environmental rights within our sphere of influence.
In 2012, Aareal Bank’s Management Board signed the United Nations Global Compact, publicly pledging that Aareal Bank would respect and maintain human rights. The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest and most important corporate responsibility initi[1]ative. We have supported its Ten Principles, which cover the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, in our business process for many years now. In addition, we base our activities on core charters and initiatives such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the conventions issued by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Aareal Bank focuses on the first six of the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles. These explicitly require companies to live up to their responsibility to protect human rights and to take steps to prevent both direct and indirect infringements. They also reiterate a number of internationally recognised human rights such as freedom of association, the prohibition of forced labour and child labour, and the elimination of discrimination. Since 2024, we have also taken a range of measures to implement the human rights and environmental due diligence obligations set out in the SCDDA in our own operations and in our supply chain. In addition, Aareal Bank’s Management Board has appointed a Human Rights Officer to monitor our due diligence obligations under the SCDDA. This officer is assisted in the work by the Compliance organization.
Structure of the governing bodies, including additional committees
Further information on the Supervisory Board, its work and its committees can be found in the "Transparency" chapter of the Group's Annual Report.
Cooperation with the supervisory authorities
Aareal Bank AG is a so-called "significant institution" and is therefore directly supervised by the European Central Bank in Joint Supervisory Teams with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and Deutsche Bundesbank. Aareal Bank AG ensures transparency towards all three authorities and attaches great importance to an open and constructive dialogue. It often goes beyond the minimum required and complements regulatory expectations with its own objectives of good corporate governance.
Find out more in our annual report.
Conflicts of Interest Policy
You can view the current version of Aareal Bank AG's Conflicts of Interest Policy here.
UK Modern Slavery Act 2015
As a Group operating in the United Kingdom, Aareal Bank Group is required to report in detail on the measures taken to prevent and suppress any forms of modern slavery in our own area of influence.
Here you can find the current version of the UK Modern Slavery Act Statement of the Aareal Bank Group.