

Voluntary involvement – a key pillar of our business

In addition to our activities within our Company, we also promote the sustainable development of the economy and society. This is why we participate in cross-sector sustainability initiatives at national and international level, as well as being members of organisations representing the banking and property industries. We engage in a dialogue with representatives of business, politics and society, sharing our experiences and best practices, and drawing up position papers and comments on planned political and regulatory measures. In this way we ensure that economic, social, environmental and governance aspects are all included in the decision-making process.


Cross-sector initiatives

The UN Global Compact of the United Nations is the world's largest and most important initiative for ensuring responsible corporate governance. Aareal Bank AG has been a member since 2012. It is thus committed to the ten universal principles and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and thus to the UN Global Compact's vision of a more inclusive and sustainable economy. Aareal Bank AG has also been a member of the UN Global Compact Network Germany e.V. (UN GCD) since 2023. 

As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, we have published an annual Communication on Progress every year since 2012.
The Communication on Progress-Report shows how we are implementing the UN Global Compact's Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, and the key measures that we have launched.


Since 2016, Aareal Bank AG has been a member of econsense, a cross-industry association of leading global companies and organisations in the German economy on sustainable development issues. Econsense sees itself as a dialogue platform and think tank with the aim of promoting the sustainable development of the economy and jointly assuming social responsibility.

The VfU and its members work on the development and implementation of innovative and sustainable solutions for financial service providers. The association pursues the goal of increasing the financial sector's contribution to sustainable development. To this end, strategic approaches are jointly developed in order to expand the specific sustainability performance in the banking and insurance sector. Furthermore, joint tools and solutions are developed that take into account the challenges of sustainable corporate management at financial institutions.

Aareal Bank AG has signed the Diversity Charter because we are convinced that cultural diversity enriches our corporate culture. We are expressly committed to respecting all people regardless of their ethnic origin, religion, ideology, disability, sexual identity, gender or age. We have also set out this attitude in our Code of Conduct.

Reconciling work and care - the Hessian initiative supports companies in developing suitable offers to better reconcile work and care for their employees. The initiative raises employers' awareness of the increasing importance of reconciling work and care in order to secure employee capacities and shows ways to remove the taboo surrounding employees' care responsibilities.

Since 2010, DENEFF has been campaigning for an ambitious and effective energy (efficiency) policy and cross-industry cooperation in Germany and Europe. As a leading energy transition network, DENEFF drives innovation at the interface between the market and politics, as energy efficiency is recognised as an important instrument on the path to the energy transition.

The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials is a global alliance of financial institutions working together to develop and apply a standardised methodology for measuring, evaluating and disclosing the carbon emissions caused by their lending and investments. PCAF has developed the Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard, a world-leading tool for reporting financed CO2 emissions. As a signatory to the PCAF Commitment Letter, Aareal Bank has committed to reporting the financed CO2 emissions in its Commercial Real Estate Financing portfolio in accordance with the PCAF standard.

With around 600 members and 5,000 personal contacts, the BCCG is the largest German-British business association in Europe. The BCCG's main task is to promote mutual understanding and economic relations between Germany and the United Kingdom and to support the establishment and development of companies in both countries. Aareal Bank AG is a member of the Chamber due to its business activities in the United Kingdom.

Industry memberships

As one of the five central associations of the German banking industry, the Association of German Banks represents the interests of private banks in Germany. The association's tasks include providing information to member banks and associations, cooperating with other associations and participating in the formation of public opinion. Aareal Bank AG is also a member of the regional associations in whose catchment areas we have our own offices.

As one of the five central associations of the German banking industry, the Association of German Pfandbrief Banks represents the Pfandbrief-specific interests of its members, including Aareal Bank AG. It represents the most important lenders for residential and commercial construction as well as the state and its institutions.

Aareal Bank AG is an extraordinary member of the Association of German Public Sector Banks. This umbrella organisation of the German banking industry works to jointly represent the economic and non-material interests of its members vis-à-vis federal and state legislative bodies as well as supervisory and regulatory authorities at national and international level.

Aareal Bank AG is a member of the Central Property Committee. The association has set itself the goal of promoting and supporting measures to maintain and improve the economic, legal, tax and political environment of the property industry.

The Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies is a nationwide professional and interest organisation for the housing industry. It represents around 3,000 housing cooperatives, municipal, church, private, state and federally owned housing and property companies throughout Germany. As Aareal Bank AG, we are an associate member alongside other financial institutions.

With almost 1,000 members, the gefma has been the German facility management network since 1989. The association is committed to market development, represents the interests of its members and facilitates a qualified exchange between service providers and users of facility management solutions

The Federal Association of Property Managers has been representing property management companies since 1983. Among other things, the association is committed to training and further education, promoting the exchange of information and experience and representing the interests of property managers.